555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered

413. How Can Consecration Be Accomplished?

This question of consecration is one that frequently arises, yet when we stop to analyze it, it seems strange that there should be any difficulty about it If you possess anything which you wish to give to another, you simply give it to him; it is just as simple as that to give your whole heart and life to God. We already belong to him absolutely; in consecration we are only returning what is his. This is the "one thing" lacking in countless lives to give them full spiritual meaning and direction. (See Rom. 12:1). The question how we can take ourselves out of God's hands should really be more difficult than the question how we may submit ourselves to him. Remember that God is always reasonable, always kind. Many of the things sometimes suggested to our minds when the subject of consecration is brought up are not the suggestion of the Holy Spirit, but of our own minds, or of disturbing spirits. There is no uncertainty about the voice of God. He only asks us to obey him when he makes duty clear, and has promised to give us grace and power always for the duties he lays upon us. There surely should be no unwillingness to submit our lives to him; he can care for them and direct them much better than we. Consecration becomes simple when we approach the cross of Christ. We realize there that he gave himself for us because we were sinners—because of this very unwillingness in our hearts to surrender ourselves to him. Knowing this it is not hard to commit ourselves absolutely to his love, trusting him to forgive our sins, to cleanse our hearts, to guide and to keep us.